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Special Features of Lithium Car Batteries


I recent times, car batteries are made with more techno logical precision and are aimed to produce more power than ever before. If you look for them, you will be offered different types of them, but the one that supersedes other varieties, is the lithium battery. But what makes these batteries so special? The experts serving the service center the Hyundai dealer Toms River explained the reasons that we found worth sharing.

What are Lithium Batteries?

To start with let us first clear out the confusion between lithium batteries with lithium-ion batteries that are specifically designed to power the electric vehicles.

The lithium-based technology also widely known as lithium-metal batteries are made of lithium as their basic material, which has actually replaced the role of zinc in other batteries. The Lithium cells are with higher density of charge, that are able to produce higher amount of voltage in comparison to the regular zinc-carbon batteries or than the alkaline batteries. Moreover, more than other types of batteries lithium batteries are purposely made easily disposable that really makes a lot of difference in the environmental factor, which we cannot afford to overlook.

Compared to the Lead-Acid Batteries

Though the lead-acid batteries are much more affordable than the lithium batteries, the preference to lithium battery over the commonly used lead-acid batteries is rising, as the lithium batteries have outshined and outperformed the lead-acid batteries almost in every respect. And the reasons are:

Longevity: the technology used behind the making of the Lithium battery makes it last for much longer times than the lead-acid model.

Anti—Corrosion Technology: The lithium batteries are made corrosion free than the lead-acid variety, so it keeps performing the same way as it was doing in the first few years.

Lightweight: the lithium batteries are 80% lighter than the lead-acid counterpart.

Longer Hold on Charge: Lithium batteries are more able-bodied in maintaining the charge for a longer period of time. It can handle trying conditions like cold cranking amps and fluctuating temperatures between 0 – 140 Degrees Fahrenheit better than any other.

Eco-Friendly: Since lithium batteries have replaced the usage of lead, it has done half the job to save the environment, there itself. Moreover, the lithium iron phosphate batteries can deliver 2250 cranking amps in barely 5 seconds that makes it a maintenance-free product to use hence need lesser resources to keep working.

Popularity and Usability

Even though a lithium car battery is much more expensive than the conventional lead-acid car battery, it has become more popular and recommended by experts for its superior quality and performance, which is also better for the health of the car.

The lithium technology has been widespread across the globe not only because they are lighter in weight, and much more durable than the regular batteries, but also because it guarantees a longer and healthier service life.

This unmatched superiority of the lithium batteries as explained by the Toms River Hyundai experts proved why these batteries are rising higher in demand. This inspired several companies to produce lithium batteries in mass that finally brought down the price of these batteries making them affordable enough to be used for newer vehicle models.

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